
Computer Associates eTrust Access Management

The eTrust Access Management solution holistically monitors platforms throughout the business for conformance to access policy

Business-critical data and processes are more vulnerable than ever before due to increasingly sophisticated attacks and the dispersal of applications across the extended enterprise. Native platform security, whether a web server, application server or operating system, is ineffective against internal and external attacks that gain access to administrator privileges. Additionally, privacy and commercial confidentiality requirements often conflict with system administration rights, which may provide unhindered and unmonitored access to sensitive business and personal data.

eTrust Access Management from Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA) addresses these issues with a comprehensive access management solution that provides policy-based, active dynamic security of critical business assets. The eTrust Access Management solution holistically monitors platforms throughout the business for conformance to access policy, including distributed servers, applications, mainframe systems and physical access devices. eTrust Access Management helps organizations decrease the risk of internal and external attacks, thereby enhancing system availability. In addition, it helps reduce costs with centralized administration and enhance usability through personalization.

eTrust solutions proactively secure an organization's cross-platform, heterogeneous IT infrastructure. Powerful, comprehensive solutions address every security issue and offer complete security infrastructure management from the IT industry's leading security vendor.

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