• Is Water 4.0 The Future?

    Water 4.0 is a concept that has recently been raised as the “future” of the water industry …possibly. Apart from being a paraphrase of Industry 4.0, the questions have to be asked: What is it, and what does it have to do with the way the water industry operates in its current state?

Oliver Grievson

Oliver Grievson

Oliver Grievson is the group manager of the Water Industry Process Automation and Control LinkedIn discussion group. He has many years experience firstly in the laboratory and for the past 12 years in the operational and process management of both potable and wastewater treatment works. He is also a member of the MCERTS Steering Group for the monitoring of flow, a member of the ICA Special Interest Group on ICA as well as sitting on the Wastewater Management Committees of the Foundation for Water Research and the Chartered Institute of Water & Environmental Management. He holds Fellowships with both the Institute of Environmental Sciences and CIWEM as well as being Chartered Environmentalist, Scientist and Water & Environmental Manager. He lives in the UK where he works for one of the UK Water & Sewerage Companies.